Update #1
a year ago

So much fun with the first St. Anna charity stream - chat went above and beyond to make me a living christmas tree <3

Why am I campaigning for We do research for the benefit of children with cancer!
As part of the CharityQuest hosted by AustrianEntertainment, we are raising money for the St. Anna Cancer Research organization!

Let's spread some cheer and do some good!

We do research for the benefit of children with cancer!

While the cure rate for leukemia was still around 20% in 1970, today it is over 80%! Our goal is to help those who cannot be cured with the existing treatment options. Support our research and give children with cancer hope for healing!

Lag die Heilungsquote bei Leukämie im Jahr 1970 noch bei rund 20%, so liegt diese heute bei über 80%! Auch jenen dauerhaft zu helfen, die mit den vorhandenen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten noch nicht geheilt werden können. Unterstütze UNS auch du und schenke Hoffnung auf Heilung!
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6 donations received

Room Room
«Thank you for supporting a good cause this Christmas.»
a year ago
EUR 25
Anonymus Maximus
«Awesome Streamer, Awesome Cause! Keep going <3»
a year ago
EUR 30
Doran Doran
a year ago
EUR 30
«Syn you are the loveliest!»
a year ago
EUR 30
Bufu Boofs
a year ago
EUR 90
Room Room
a year ago
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